Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy: Enhancing Mobility and Growth Using PhysioChiro
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is primarily characterized by the abnormal development of the brain or brain damage which mainly affects posture, movement and muscle tone. The degree of severity varies for every individual. Usually the abnormality occurs shortly after, or during the time of birth.
At PhysioChiro we provide tailored care specifically focusing on improving mobility and strength, as well as putting an emphasis on physiotherapy and chiropractic care in the process of enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals affected by cerebral palsy.
Types of Cerebral Palsy
There are four known categories of cerebral palsy, each defined by the specific motion challenges faced by the individual.
- Spastic CP: The most diagnosed group of individuals suffering from cerebral palsy mainly have tough muscles which renders them unable to move properly.
- Dyskinetic CP: This type is defined by the presence of twisting and jerking, which classifies this type of the dyskinetic group.
- Ataxic CP: An individual’s sense of coordination and balance is hampered which causes the individual to move in a shaky manner.
- Mixed CP: This includes symptoms from the aforementioned types.
Common Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy
Motor Limitations: Individuals suffering from cerebral palsy mainly face issues in walking, sitting or even holding objects.
Issues with Muscle Tone: People suffering from effects of hypotonia and hypertonia face issues with muscle tone as they are either too stiff or too loose.
Growth Problems: Such individuals may also have delayed minimum requirements such as walking, crawling or even speaking.
Postural Issues: Such individuals may experience challenge in maintaining proper posture and balance.
Additional Conditions They May Face: Weakness in vision and hearing, seizures and learning difficulties are some of the conditions associated with muscular dystrophy.
Embracing the Overhaul: How Physiotherapy Aids in Managing Cerebral Palsy.
People suffering from CP are required to undergo physiotherapy on a regular basis, as it plays an important role in maximizing the physical functions and preventing any complications. Henceforth muscle weakness, muscle stiffness, difficulty or inability to move a joint or even muscle spasms are some of the common symptoms of a people affected with cerebral palsy. To aid with these muscles further physiotherapy is needed.
Exercise programs both static and dynamic are prescribed focusing on these:
– Increasing the range of motion of the affected joint
– Enhancing strength in weaker muscles
– Building flexibility in the severely affected ones.
The previously mentioned exercises are aimed to assist in stimulating muscle relaxation and reducing contractions. Activities such as balance recuperation, coordination training, working on gait along with retraining walking patterns are also added to the exercise regime. To put it simply the enclosed activities ensure that the weight of the body is made stable and the risk of falling or losing balance is significantly decreased.
There are also many ways to correcting and shifting the previously mentioned poor posture and aligning the body in the desired position.
– Using walkers, braces, and wheelchairs or any equipment that makes moving around simpler.
– Fostering in self-sufficiency: assists in everyday activities such as personal hygiene, clothing, and eating; giving instructions on how to improve hand-eye coordination.
Chiropractic care proves to be a great addition to physiotherapy for CP treatment. As it targets the patient’s skeletal structure and adds to their overall health.
– Spinal- skeletal adjustments ensure proper alignment of joints which induces comfort and improves movement.
– Pain managing techniques such as stress relief reduce chronic pain.
– Assisting CP patients with their communication makes it easier for them to perform basic functions.
To achieve optimal health one must focus on the relationship between the nerves, muscles and joints as they all connect together.
Assistive Devices in CP Management
We do know that facilitation of function through the help of assistive devices has to be integrated with our practice while also being adaptable to each individual’s needs.
What Keeps Us Busy
Freedom of Movement Teaching is designed for all families, which allows freedom while providing people with the sense of normalization who want to keep a CP child socialized and integrated within the community.
Life Outside the Clinic
CP facilitates socio-economic marginization. The difference this time is: political efforts were put to ensure that that never happened.
The Fight Against Help Disable With CP Move Fortunately, we are not alone in this struggle, allowing people to live with physical limitations. We believe in co-creation, and working with those who can make it happen.

We always give our best
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