Stroke Rehabilitation

A Stroke – What is it?

A stroke is caused by blood unable to reach the brain due to a blockage (Ischemic stroke) or due to a ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). This cutoff in blood supply can cause damage within the brain which can impair the functioning of the body including the ability to speak, move as well as thinking. In essence stroke recovery revolves around relearning impaired skills, rebuilding lost strength, and enhancing one’s life quality.

PhysioChiro extends its hand to assist stroke survivors through physiotherapy and chiropractic care in an effective and personalized manner aiming to maximize the full potential stroke patients possess for recovery.

How Do Strokes Impact the Human Body?

As previously discussed, a patient who has suffered a stroke experiences a number of symptoms and that too with varying degrees depending which region of the brain was impacted and how severe the event was at hand. However, the most common stroke symptoms include:

  • Muscle Weakness or Paralysis: Often one side of the body (hemiplegia) can be impacted by the muscle weakness or paralysis.
  • Loss of Coordination: Balancing out and performing minute movements can prove tedious.
  • Speech and Swallowing Problems: Speaking, communicating, and even eating all become a hard task.
  • Pain and Spasticity: Difficulty in movement, muscle tightness and spasms can all result or stem from pain and spasticity regions.
  • Impairments in Cognition: Disabling or challenging memory, attention, and almost every activity of daily living can be a result of this ailment.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in Stroke Recovery
  • Physiotherapy has proved to be highly effective and indispensable for the rehabilitation of patients that have previously suffered from a stroke as getting the ability to move independently and not relying on anyone is crucial to regain one’s lost sense of self. With the help of a physiotherapist many patients have been able to successfully prevent the compounding of other ailments too.
  • Motor Function Rehabilitation
  • Exercises to restore mobility and strength in the affected body parts.
  • Methods used to enhance coordination and fine motor functioning.
  • Gait Training
  • Relearning walking in order to restore lost stability and balance.
  • If necessary, use of assistive devices including walkers and braces.
  • Spasticity Management
  • Tension management using stretching and range of motion exercises.
  • Therapies that involve heat therapy and electrical stimulation among others.
  • Enhancement of Functional Independence
  • Teaching how to dress, to eat and to keep personal hygiene.
  • Methods to modify the exercises to make them more self-sufficient.
  • Treatment of Secondary complications Prevention
  • Exercises with aim to preserve cardiovascular integrity and avoid blood clot development.
  • Postural training in order to prevent pressure sore and other joint abnormalities.
  • The Role of Chiropractic Care in Post Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Chiropractic helps in stroke recovery by restoring alignment and improving the function of the nervous system which physiotherapy only focuses on.
  • Spinal and joint adjustments: Helps in the reduction of pain and increases mobility in the area being compensated.
  • Postural alignment: Improves balance and reduces overloading the body.
  • Pain relief: Acknowledging the muscle and joints sceptic is not invasive.
  • Nervous system level: Nurtures neuroplasticity improving the brain’s adaptability and reorganization ability.


Your Rehabilitation Thinking with PhysioChiro

The process of rehabilitating a stroke survivor is definitely a long term affair and poses many challenges. A collaborative care approach is needed while engaging a physiotherapist and chiropractor. We at PhysioChiro understand this and will do everything we can to support you through this transition.

Why Choose PhysioChiro?
  • Evidence-based Approaches: Evident from the clinical outcomes that it works.
  • Experienced Athena: Our team excels in managing Neurological Rehabilitation.
  • Unorganic Integration: We practice inter-professional integration in physiotherapy and chiropractic for better results.
  • Begin your Road to Recovery
  • You’re not the victim of stroke, it will not decide your destiny and regardless of what your wish to work hard, the path to recovery is available.

Reach Out to PhysioChiro for appointment today, and kick start your journey towards enhanced power, autonomy and wellness all over again.


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