Role of cupping therapy in body pain (muscular stiffness)
A cupping therapy is an ancient medical treatment that relies upon creating a local suction to mobilize blood flow in order to promote healing. The principle behind cupping therapy is the creating of vacuum in the cup, which is applied to the skin. This is used to mobilize bloodflow,enhancecirculation,andencouragetheflowofvitalenergy inthebody.
Types of cupping:-
- Drycupping:-Avacuumiscreatedbyacupwhichisappliedontheskinusingaflame or manual pump. (Static and dynamic cupping)
- Wetcupping:– Duringapplicationofcupmildskincutusedtoremovethesmallamount of blood to remove the toxins from body. (Hijama)Types of Cups:- •Bamboo cups • Glass cups
• screw top cups
• Magnetic rubber cups• Silicon cups
• Disposable cups
• Facial cupping
• Electrical cupping (Cupping with TENS)Benefits of cupping therapy:-- Inmusculoskeletalpain
- Headacheandmigraine
- Respiratoryconditionslikeasthma,chronicbronchitisandcoughrelief.
- Improvecirculation.
- Relaxationandstressrelief
- Celluliteandskinrejuvenation
- Bodytoxinremoval
- Constipationandabdominaldiscomfort
- Fatigueandlowenergy
- Facial cupping for acne and facial palsy.Why you choose Physio chiro :- the Physio chiro one of the oldest physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathic and alternative medicine clinic in gurugram:-
1.We have best experienced and well qualified staff. (Male and Female both)
2. Complete hygienic and healthy environment.
3. Proper Ultraviolet chamber (UV chamber) to maintain sterilization.
4. Best quality of equipment (cups)
Cupping therapy is an ancient practice which have variety of health benefits, such as pain relief, improved circulation, and stress reduction. It is widely practiced as alternative and complementary medicine. Many of study’s and the literature on cupping therapy and support this kind of trending cupping therapy treatment is used to reduce muscle stiffness , joint inflammation and pain or it’s also improves the physical performance. If you’re considering cupping therapy, it’s important to consult with a well qualified practitioner and your healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for your needs and health condition which is already available in Physio chiro.